Saturday 6 February 2016

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy evening

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy evening

Frost’s best  poetry  exhibits the structure of symbolic poetry, much more Clearly than does of many a modern poet . Critics say that Frost was  a poet of Pastures and pain , Mountain and rivers , woods and garden , fruits and flowers , seeds and birds .

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy evening

Here woods are symbolizes as contrast to civilization. Through this poem woods can be categorized as a symbol of death .The most significant symbol in the poem “stopping by woods on a snowy Evening” would be woods. The woods may symbolize temptations in life, from a view they seem mysterious beauty. And some are tempted to stay and enjoy the view, but the traveler chooses to continue his journey through life to reach his destination, which should be our goals in life too.

 And miles to go before I sleep,
      And miles to go before I sleep.

Here this line suggests that Death is the ultimate reality of the life but before that one has some duty to fulfill and the words like “miles to go” indicates that there are so many  works and responsibility and one has to compete.

So here “sleep” symbolizes the death.

Death   is  not  the  greatest loss in life .The greatest loss  of  it  what dies inside us while we live.

In this poem, nature is the symbol and  the snow is a symbol of coolness, while frozen lake  is a symbol of the death and chillness of life. 

 In this poem Robert Frost takes Horse as a symbol,  which symbolizes as a soul of the poet.


Village is symbolized here as society and civilization.

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