Thursday 3 March 2016

My Views Regarding Movie The Da Vinci Code

My Views Regarding Movie The  Da Vinci Code



           “The Da Vinci Code “has been the controversial novel. What makes this novel controversial is that Dan Brown weaves a story about a museum curator with secret life, a historian and how the church has been on a bloody rampage for several years trying to cover up the “Truth “about Jesusand Marry Magdalene. Dan Brown refuses to accept the idea that faith in God is rooted in ignorance of the truth. The ignorance that the Church has sometimes advocated is embodied in the character of Bishop Aringarosa, who does not think the Church should be involved in scientific investigation “Faith acceptance of which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.”

As we discussed in the classroom I think the narration of the paradise lost is more convincing to the contemporary time because it shows the real situation of the contemporary condition of the woman in the Indian society. The weakness of Eve and the fall of Eve we can compare with the fall of woman in the patriarchal society. I think there is was difference of the narration of the John Milton and the Da Vinci code because the whole book of the paradise lost deals with the innocent of Eve and Adam there is no any intrigue and corruption in their behavior and on the other point of view it shows the humanity in the satanic world.

         As we Study all the female character through movie .here this all the character represents with different time and situation .There are many differences of the portrayal of Ophelia in movie Hamlet, she is shown as more weak and innocent character. However she is not free will to choose her own life with her own way. She is treated as puppet on the hand of the patriarchal society. While the Hester Prynne no doubt treated as a sinful lady but she has a courage to live with enthusiasm though she is out casted or scapegoat of her own situation. Hermione is that character that is smart, and she is able to figure out most of the secrets that no one else can. Her knowledge and brains save her and her friends throughout the series multiple times, showing her strength every time she uses her intellect to defeat a problem. While in the Da Vinci Code Sophie is the symbol of the perfect modernization. She is grown with total freedom and individualism. She has free will to choose her own path. She is more intelligent and practical than above all the female character.

         yes ,after watching and studied this novel / film it  lead us into critical (deconstructive) thinking about our religion. we have a very well example of Film P.K. how it becomes antireligious and it too much controversial .this films leads us on the direction of Existence of God . Does God Exist or not .and entire things of Karmic Philosophy . How Krma plays importance role in our life rather than believing God .

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