Monday 7 March 2016

General Overview on Post Master

 My Interpretaions regarding  Post Master


i) What was the philosophy that consoled the postmaster? Why didn’t Ratan have a philosophy to console her?

It was not that the postmaster did not feel occasional pangs of sorrow when he was leaving the village without taking Ratan with him. He reconciled himself with the situation by musing (reflecting) that life had to go on regardless of the helplessness of the misery of the orphan girl for whom he was neither responsible nor accountable to the society or the world. He told himself that human bondage was after all a frail thing which was often broken by the hard realities of life. 

But Ratan who was naive (immature) and impressionable (easily influenced), did not share her master’s philosophy. Being young, she was not yet hardened by the harshness of life and she was still hopeful that her dadababu might somehow return to give her shelter in the temple of his affectionate and kind heart.

ii) What was Ratan’s hope? How would it help her?

Ratan hoped that her dadababu had ceased to be an employer and had become her own elder brother. This perception of the relationship between Ratan and the postmaster was but one sided and a delusion (fantasy). This the innocent girl could neither comprehend nor realise. She believed herself to be a member of the postmaster’s family and thought that her days of woe were over. She imagined herself to be in the citadel (sanctuary) of his dadababu’s kind and loving heart.

Ratan’s simplicity and blind faith did not help her in the least. This did nothing but cruelly tearing her heart into pieces. She finally sank in a sea of misery and unbearable agony. What actually happened to her was akin (similar) to a bleakness (isolation) which was darker than the darkest of nights.

        The postmaster despite his not so little feelings for Ratan realised with a heavy heart that no lasting relationship was possible with her. Finally, as his boat begins sailing swiftly and the village of Ulapur recedes further in the distance, he tries to find comfort in the thought that “there are so many separations and deaths” in the world. 

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